Bubble Machine Professional Strategies And Methods All Sites Ought To Utilize

nbsp i am asked by various companies to review products from time to time and they provide said product. i always give my honest opinion because i look at reviews in order to make decisions. i always give my honest opinion.well the number one thing i've found about this my bubble is get the right kind of bubble fluid. you can compare my original still picture in which i used palmolive dish washing liquid and corn syrup to the video of my daughter using it with bubble solution miracle bubbles which isn't rated very high btw and the difference is amazing. based on my use i would probably give this a quot 4 quot with the suggestion to try different solutions. my results were less than stellar but i wasn't going to invest in bubbles since the machine was going to ultimately be enjoyed by my grandchildren. as you see in the video my almost 3 year old grandson is so excited by the bubbles. my daughter said quot you should of seen his face when i turned it on quot . my almost 1 year old granddaughter was just watching the bubbles with enjoyment. if you have young children then this is for you i'm sure it's great for other things too but for a little investment you get priceless enjoyment. bubble gun quiet simple and lots of bubbles after purchasing and receiving this bubble machine it makes me mad that i didn't buy it years ago i've been parenting for 9 years now and we've been through countless plastic bubble machines that inevitably break take a million batteries end up getting solution into the machine and jamming up etc. we've never had one last more than one season. this bubble machine is a beast. all metal construction with the exception of the plastic rotation bubble ring but still lightweight. doesn't require any batteries just plugs in which is a joy simple construction means that you pour the bubble solution into the well in the front which is separated by a metal wall from the fan in the back and cleaning is just as simple. easy peasy and the bubble output is far superior to any of the plastic cheapies we've purchased in the past. save yourself the money and frustration of buying the colorful plastic ones sold at the drugstore buy this instead and save yourself the frustration